I love art... I love being able to mess around with paint and ink and images and all - I would love to be able to draw - but I can't. Simple truth.
But today, when I called in at AFTH to see Dyan, she just happened to be teaching a class, and they just happened to be drawing...
"Sit down, join in," said Dyan. Which I did with some trepidation... I have been admiring Chris's face drawings for a while and I thought "I've got to start somewhere..."
First we drew a face. This is mine - titled 'art by Sandra' - age 7 - because it looks like what I used to draw when I was about 7!
Dyan showed us how to draw different styles of eyes, these eyes are similar to Kelly Rae's style......well my version of them anyway!
This is Dyan's own inimitable style...
Dyan unleashed us to have a go at drawing both eyes together - which is the difficult part - see my first set crossed out? I told you not to laugh!
So because you laughed, I'm not going to show you the WHOLE faces that I drew!
(...no really...you don't want to see them!) hehehe. Now if I was talented sketcher like Jill, I might show you.
I will have another go at doing some sketching though because like I said, I would LOVE to be able to draw, and they do say practice makes perfect.
I left the ladies looking forward to moving their work onto canvas after lunch...I shall look forward to seeing how they turned out.
Now onto the art calendar challenge, here are my February pages (almost) finished...
And March (nearly) ready to go...
AND...drum roll please... I have made a start on APRIL! Yes you read that correctly...I have a busy month ahead so I thought I'd better get a head start on you all...
The picture is quite poor, but I've laid down a background of Dylusions mustard and rose, I have done a little spraying too but of course I shall add some more splodges and lovely grunginess to it ...I suppose I am being that 7 year old from above saying "ner ner ner ner ner, I'm in front of you!"
That stamp on the page is what I shall use for the days (which are also missing from the other pages)
I'll be popping by to see what everyone else has been up to with their calendar pages for this month :)